Thursday, April 28, 2011


The charming one- only wants to f you
The stylish one- gay
The nice one- waiting for you to call him
The cool one- afraid of commitment
The smart one- analysis your every move
The funny one- gets away with anything
The kind one- kisses your ass
The ambitious one- places you as nr 33 on his list
The loyal one- has a girlfriend
The charming,stylish,nice,cool,smart,funny,kind,ambitious and loyal one-You didn't want him


The charming one- good fingerbanger
The stylish one- wont f you hard
The nice one- wont eat your pussy
The cool one- BIG dick and likes to use it ALOT
The smart one- gambling addiction
The funny one- coke head
The kind one- Madonna whore complex
The ambitious one- Daddy complex
The loyal one- bible thumper
The charming,stylish,nice,cool,smart,funny,kind,ambitious and loyal one-You had them all!

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